Bank Mandate - ECS - Mangalam Engineering Projects Limited
You are advised to furnish the details regarding the bank’s name, branch address and the account number, if not already given, to enable us to incorporate the same in your dividend warrant. This protects you from the risk of fraudulent interception/ encashment of warrant.
In case of any change in your existing bank mandate, immediately intimate us about it in writing under your signature, quoting folio number, giving details of your new bank’s name, branch address and the account number.
Please ensure that your signature appearing on such requests matches as with the specimen signature recorded with us.
In case you hold the shares in demat form, you are advised to inform your Depository Participant for any change in your bank mandate.
Electronic Clearing Service (ECS) FacilityShareholders holding Shares in the physical form, who wish to avail of the ECS facility, may send their ECS mandate in the prescribed form to the Company, in the event they have not done so earlier. The ECS Mandate Form can be downloaded from the attachment below or can be furnished by the Company on request.
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